Health & Safety

NDC Development Corporation has an absolute commitment to the health and safety of our employees and ensures it is a core business value of our company.

NDC Development Corporation is committed to excellence in HSE performance and strives for continuous improvement while aiming to inspire this desire in all its employees and to share in the successful implementation of this philosophy.

Please see below our Health, Safety and Environment Policy updated as of 2023

Health, Safety and Environment Policy 2023

The Management of NDC Development Corporation is dedicated and firmly committed to providing a safe, healthy, and environmentally responsible workplace for employees, sub-contractors, visitors, and any other person who may be affected by our work activities. We shall conduct our business, so far, as is reasonably practicable, in such a manner as not to expose any persons to risks that may negatively affect their health and safety and minimizes our potential impact on the environment.

At NDC Development Corporation, we are committed to carrying out all our activities in compliance with all relevant and applicable Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and Environmental Legislation, standards, and best practices, as far as possible. We shall communicate our environmental, health and safety commitment to our clients and the public, and we encourage them to support it. Employee health and safety is a core value for NDC Development Corporation and as the employer we acknowledge, the ultimate responsibility for employee health and safety and the environment, as a company priority. Responsibilities for all workplace parties, including Senior Management, sub-contractors, and visitors are listed in the Roles and Responsibilities Procedure.

Health & Safety

NDC Development Corporation shall, as far as reasonably practicable, and in conjunction with NDC Development Corporation Corporate Polices, recognize the right of workers to work in a safe and healthy environment and we commit to providing this environment through our health & safety program. We commit too:

  • Provide a place, equipment and systems of work that are safe and do not pose risks to health.

  • Provide information, instruction, training, and supervision to ensure all employees identify hazards, work to mitigate risk, while contributing positively to their own health and safety at work.

  • Consult, collaborate, and communicate with all employees in relation to Health and Safety.

  • Empower all employees to actively participate in our Health & Safety Program.

  • Recognize all our employee's rights under the OHS Act.

NDC Development Corporation is committed to dealing with all identified hazards, firstly by elimination, if possible, by substitution or replacement with less hazardous substances, reduction of employee exposure to an internationally acceptable level and as a last resort, the use of personal protective equipment.


NDC Development Corporation shall, as far as reasonably practicable and in conjunction with NDC Development Corporation Corporate Policies:

  • Train, educate, inform, and consult with our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work, including the reduction of waste through re-use and recycling practices and by purchasing recycled, recyclable, or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical, and suitable.

  • Promote the efficient use of materials and resources throughout our company including water, electricity, raw materials, and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable.

  • Endeavour to use non-hazardous materials and product, when practicable.

NDC Development Corporation shall effectively implement a Health and Safety Management System to ensure all our policies and procedures are continually reviewed and updated accordingly. We shall continue to improve and enhance the company's performance through the setting and reviewing of annual objectives and goals. The NDC Development Corporation Management System shall b audited and reviewed periodically (minimum annually) and updated as required.

Updated June, 2023